Monday, March 31, 2008

Wow - So This is what living feels like!

I have been so focused on work and building my career the past 2.5 years that I had begun to neglect parts of my life.  I was working 10+ hour days and loving it.  Only, I forgot to do little things that were important to me.  I forgot to go to the gym/work out.  I forgot to spend lots of time with my friends.  I forgot to garden.  I forgot to take my dog for walks.  I had even forgotten to read! (For as long as I can remember, I have almost always read at least a chapter every night before bed.) I forgot to be involved.

Since THE LAYOFF I have been slowly regrouping.  I've started to exercise again. I've started to cook.  It's even easier now that the stove I burned up has been replaced.  I've started to think about dating again.  Stop - let me rephrase that.  I had started to think about it back in the fall when the blast from my past popped back into my life.  Even though he wasn't an option for me (pesky morals), I had such a good time with him (as always) that I remembered that it was FUN to flirt and go to dinner and have drinks, with someone other than your friends and family.  I had forgotten.

Here's to remembering!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Helluva Year

About a three weeks ago, I was cooking dinner and caught a pot, and then my stove on fire. In the process of putting it all out, I severely burned my right hand. Yes, I'm right handed. The only insurance I have is through COBRA, so I'll be paying $400/month for insurance. Ugh. This is the second challenge to overcome.   The good news is that it is healing - slowly - and pretty soon I should have full use back and no longer be walking around with a mummified right hand.

What will the third challenge be???