Thursday, July 31, 2008

Feel the Burn

Took my first group strength class this AM.  Wow!  I am in horrible shape!  Time to work on the inner thighs and triceps and abs and calfs...two days from now I will be relishing the time I spent at the gym!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Time Warner Cable - Charlotte is AWFUL

I, like so many others, went with the TWC bundled package.  When the promotional period was over, my rate sky-rocketed.  This is to be expected.  I, of course, call to discuss what they might be able to do to lower my rate.  Nothing. OK, fine.

I set up service with Vonage & AT&T (internet).  Call TWC to cancel and they are soooo ready to help me out.  "What can we do to keep you as a customer?"  Me, "Nothing.  I have already called and asked for a lower rate and the customer service person was unable to provide any options. I have spent my time and energy researching and purchasing alternatives.  There is nothing you can do to get my business back."  TWC, "Even if we were able to save you money?"  Me, "No.  At this point I have invested too much in setting up alternatives."  TWC, "Uh..OK." Hold for a few minutes.  When they come back they tell me that they will be UNABLE to disconnect my service because I have leased equipment (the cable modem).  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  Terminate my service.  Put a charge on my bill for the amount of the unit, credit my bill when it is returned.  TWC, "You have to turn the equipment in."  Me, "Can you come pick it up?"  TWC, "Yes, there is a courier service, let me give you the number."  Me, "Is there any cost to me for this pick up?"  TWC, "No."

Next call...the courier service.  There is ONE woman who can schedule pick ups and apparently, she is at lunch at 4PM in the afternoon.  She will return my call.

I am not going to hold my breath.

And this does not even take into consideration that they have incorrectly applied my payments since DECEMBER of 2007 and turned off my service for lack of payment when all of the bills had been paid!!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Apple is Taking the World DOWN!

The first thing I did this morning was hop online to update my iTunes & iPhone.  I was not alone.  Reading all of the looks like the iTunes store has crashed and burned.  Now my lovely iPhone is a nice paperweight on my desk while I pray that my connection to itunes store will come back and make it a wonderful, amazing new phone.  AGGGGH!!!!  

Also, Twitter is crashing.  AIM and Jabber too....