Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Jimmy Buffett kicked off the summer concert series in 40 degree weather last night!  My friend Matt drove in and took me to the concert.  (Thank you Matt!!!) We had a grand time, he is still at the house nursing a pretty wicked hang over.  I am at work!  Sucker.  I must admit, I did sleep in this morning and probably slept through the worst of the hangover.  

While I was in and out of sleep I was thinking about 2008.  Part of me feels like it has been SUCH a DIFFICULT year.  Unexpectedly losing my job and then severely injuring myself are not the harbingers of good things!  I realized I was only focusing on the negative things that had happened.

I started going through all of the good things that have happened this year.  I have traveled to Cancun, Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Richmond and DC, I have done a lot of rewarding work in the garden, I've started dating again, I've been to a Bruce Springsteen AND Jimmy Buffett concert.  Not a bad year at all and frankly, it's off to a better start than most.

Monday, April 28, 2008


This past Christmas, I gave my mother tickets to see Bruce Springsteen.  Well, the show did not disappoint!  I'm sure you have been to concerts that were good.  And, I'm sure you've been to concerts that are GREAT.  The GREAT concerts happen when the performer hits that vibe with the audience and it's just awesome.  Maybe all of Bruce's concerts are like that?  I've only been to one before and I recall it being pretty darn great.  Baby, we were born to run!!!

Monday, April 07, 2008

A Weird Weekend

I will dispense with formalities first.  

What the hell happened to the Tar Heels???!!!  My team completely fell apart on Saturday night during the final four.  It was horrible to watch.  They were down by 31 points at one time, then brought the lead within 4 points...only to go down by 18.  Ugh.  The press conference afterwards was even MORE painful to watch.  I have never seen a more distraught team after losing a game.

Now for the fun stuff.  I have started dating again.  I'm really trying to focus on it since I have neglected that part of my life for a while.  A friend set me up with this guy and we were supposed to go out this coming Thursday.  Well, Sunday afternoon he shot me a text and asked me to dinner Sunday night.  I had triple booked Thursday anyway, so this was a great loop hole for me.  I also figured that there was no point in playing games...the whole,  you didn't give me enough lead time so I'm "not available" crap.  Thought I'd skip it.

Dinner was nice.  He showed up in stylish clothes.  Driving a Merecedes CLK350 (turned out it wasn't his, but he drives a BMW645).  Suggested a good restaurant (which had gone out of business in the last week but quickly accepted my suggestion of a decent place down the road).  Conversation was good.  He was funny.  Oh - this was a blind date too.  He was hot (go B! thanks!).  

Now, maybe I have become a bit uptight in my old age?  Maybe the following will explain why I am still singe.  Most of his stories involved dates that went sideways with girls who had at one time or another been employed as strippers.  Now, he was careful to point out that he doesn't frequent strip clubs (not a fan) but seems to meet them.  The stories were damn funny.  But, is it odd to bring up stripper dates on a first blind date?

The nice car thing threw me for a loop.  I NEVER date guys with nice cars.  I have no idea why, but every guy I have dated (last two excepting...maybe I've found grown up men?!) has driven a POS.  Either really old, really dirty or stunk, or a combination of all three.  So, a date with a guy who has a real life nice car is an oddity.  It's a good thing, particularly since I like cars!!

I need to scoot, so for now, I'll wrap with I don't expect him to call.  I don't think I'm his type of girl.