Thursday, March 31, 2011

Today's Funny

Most of you know I am thinking about relocating to Portland at the end of my sabbatical, here's a cartoon one of my Portlandia friends sent!  HA!

Change...Its the only thing that stays the same...

At the end of May, I am planning to move for the first time in 13 years! I came to Charlotte five months after graduation without much of a plan, but I had a job and a roomate. My friend, Courtney had decided not to take a job here and recommended I apply for it. I did and I got it. We swapped roomates, she moved in with Andrea and I moved in with Nicole in the Queen City - all four of us were friends in college.

For years, I've been reading about gap years and sabbitcals. After reading Eat, Pray, Love, I almost chucked everything and hit the road.  I wanted to, and had plans with my best friend Andrea to do just that. I even started selling my furniture! But a few things changed and for many reasons, the timing wasn't quite right for me to make a big change.

Andrea did. She went to India for a few months and got certified to teach Yoga, then spent time in Spain before relocating to Florida. I was envious of her and proud of her for chasing a dream and making a change. It seems as though I have finally gotten to the place in my life where I'm ready.  I am researching gap years, reading, tweeting, talking and making plans.